Monday, 2 May 2016

Shrinkage a Must

Shrinkage is one thing every one going natural has to deal with. Most times when you see pictures of some naturals on the internet looking gorgeous  and all beautiful, you wonder why your kinky hair does not look superb.
I have been natural for 2years and 2months now but I am yet to accept shrinkage as part of my hair properties.  I try using banding method to stretch it, but it does not really do much. The weather is very hot that you do not only sweat on your head but the sun roast the hair that it feels like straw.  I have been thinking, wearing out ones hair as wash and go, may not work unless you are willing to use lots of gel.
The only option I see for myself is wearing a covering on it. So I am going to do some research on beautiful ways to wear head covering for every occasion. So keep a date with me.
This is what my hair looks like after banding, I was hoping that with about 12 inches of hair, I would have something below my shoulder to show off after 10minutes of losing the thread but that wasn't the case.
I am beginning to think that showing off length is not for naturals like me but showing off volume.

Just pondering

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