Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Terror at the hands of Fulani herdsmen

Since Monday the 25th day of April, I heard about the brutal killing of Igbo farmers in Enugu, I have this feeling of anger. Since I was a kid, this Fulani matter has been on ground but it wasn't the killing but their cows were destroying peoples crop in the farm.
The idea of slaughtering of people and burning of houses and churches, is an act of wickedness; And my question is, Is there more to this than what we are seeing? Why are they allowed to carry AK47 like our Nigerian police.
In other to protect innocent lives, I suggest that these herds men should return home and keep their cows in their villages, that way we know who is from Nigeria and who is not. A means of identifying them as Nigerians should be provided after this recent killing is resolved. The state government should have a say on weather they should enter his/her state or not, and they should provide evidence of being Nigerian citizens before they enter the state, If this is not working then the government should provide means of storing forage for the cows so that they do not have to move around. If the easterners and southerners are so hungry for meat, they should devise means of importing cows into their state and taking care of them.
The complain of Fulani herdsmen massacring innocent citizens has reached its peak,and drastic measures should be taken to preserve innocent lives. This morning I walked into a discussion on channels TV about this Fulani issue . The guest said the reason we pick our teeth when we eat cow in Nigeria is because the cows are subjected to long distant movement.  I am sure if the cows are kept in an area, the meat will be softer and we may not be needing tooth pick again.
For now the Fulani herdsmen should stay in their villages until Mr president finds a way out of this mess. Human lives are more important than cow meat. Before I forget, Mr president has some cows too and he does not move them around, that means he already has a solution to this problem.

Just pondering,

Thursday, 21 April 2016

The loss of common sense

With the numerous hardship that Nigerians are experiencing now, from fuel insufficiency to little or no power supply, I think our senators should have consider the people before making certain flamboyant decisions about themselves. After all, not quite long they said insufficient fund was hindering them from discharging their duties.
How is it possible that a country whose citizens are facing serious economic crises could go to the extent of  buying cars worth 35.1 million Naira each for senators. That they could think of buying a car at that amount with tax payers money shows how selfish, inconsiderate and inhumane they are.

If they care about the welfare of this nation, the first thing that will come to their mind, should be how best to grow this nation and not frustrate the efforts of the president. Then if they must have new cars, why not go for cars made in the country, by so doing, they will help this company to grow. I think this is an act of callousness and should be treated as such.
If our law makers has by their action decided that this country should burn to ashes while the sit on their chairs to sip champagne and watch, it is time that we look for ways to remove them from that seat and bring in people who will be more concerned about economy growth and too ashamed to flaunt their flamboyance in the face of hungry and struggling citizens.
I think by so doing, they will realize, that the senatorial sit is not their inheritance.
 The irony of it is that they will drive 35.1 million Naira worth of cars on our depleted roads, which to me is like parking your 2016 Land Rover Range Rover in front of your mud house.

Just pondering

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Love Conquers All

The news on BBC concerning Zara the freed bride has sent shivers down my spine. A child of seventeen was given a choice to marry or become a slave by the terrorist  group boko haram. She chose to be married and as God will have it, she was freed from this terrorist by the military, only for her to face stigmatization by her own people.
We should try to imagine ourselves  or our daughter in her shoes, the trauma she is going through is enough for us to show her that there is more to this life than what she has passed through. Let us encourage them and show them love because love can soften a hardened heart. There are lots of girls and women passing through this ordeal around the world, let us show them more love and help them regain their life back.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Tax Haven

The Mossack Fonseca Panamanian law firm is now on everyone's lips because of the leaked information concerning its Tax haven activities. This is not the first time such information was leaked to journalists, and the few names on the list that I have read on line suggested that these politicians, that open their mouth and say that they came to serve, are not serving but are turning the citizens into money making venture especially those in Nigeria. The case of rich growing richer and the poor getting poorer.
The truth is  Mossack Fonseca activity may have been exposed but others will step into their shoe and the circle continues.
Come to think of it, If kings and politicians hide their true asset in an offshore account, and I have to pay tax from my little salary, they will build the kind of roads my tax payment can afford; Then I can not afford a car to drive on the road that my money built and their big cars and lorries will end up cruising and destroying the road in the long run.  This image I painted is horrifying, don't you think so

Just pondering

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This DIY has three ingredients from your kitchen, cinnamon,  aloevera and honey. Cinnamon has anti fungal. antioxidant and antibacterial pro...